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  • St Mary's Church of England Primary School
  • ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve!’
  • ‘With God all things are possible.’ Matthew 19:26

Year 3 & 4

Welcome to Year 3 and 4. Your child will be in one of three classes-Chanel Class, Gaudi Class or Newton Class. Below you will find lots of information to support your child's learning journey this year and lots of photographs of learning in action. 

Fencing enrichment morning

Maths - solving mental calculations to help a music shop owner

Geography - European Neighbours

Art - Charcoal caves and rocks

English - Skara Brae holiday brochures and The Happy Prince


Science - Forces and magnets

Commando Joe's - building off-road vehicles to cross the Sahara Desert

P.E. - Using Active Mats

Now Press Play - Climate Crisis (linked to our magazine article we are writing in English)

DT - Seasonal Stockings 

 Years 3 and 4 have had a fantastic few weeks exploring how stockings are made and learning the different types of stitches. The children designed, made and evaluated their own Christmas stocking. 

Glow in the dark dodgeball 

Commando Joe's 


We have been completing missions based on the British explorer Levison Wood

Mission 1 - collecting water from wells and transporting to containers

Mission 2 - moving vital supplies whilst avoiding quick sand in the desert

Mission 3 - building bridges to get supplies across the River Nile

Mission 4 - camels had to lead explorers through a sandstorm, whilst also avoiding quick sand.

Rock Kidz - 

The children loved taking part in workshops with Rock Kidz!


 In this unit, we have been looking at the different ways computers are connected and the difference between digital and non digital. 


Black History Month

We experienced the lives of Mary Seacole, Rosa Parks and Harriet Tubman through using Now-Press-Play
