Assessment Policy
Children’s progress is closely monitored at St Mary's C of E Primary School so that we can provide the best possible opportunities and highest levels of support for all children. All assessment activities aim to ensure that the children are able to make excellent progress in their learning whilst taking into account the needs of individual children.
Foundation Stage Profile
Children will be assessed in the foundation classes where staff will add information to an assessment profile for each individual. Insights will be shared at parent consultation meetings. Your child will have a learning journey which contains photos, independent work and comments from the foundation staff.
Year 1 Phonics Check
All children in Year 1 will participate in a phonics screening check. This assessment will be administered by the Year 1 teachers in June and results are included within the Year 1 end of term report.
Children in Year 2 and Year 6 are assessed during May. The results of these assessments are reported annually to the parents. Optional SATs materials may be used in classes 3, 4 and 5 to assist teacher assessment of pupil progress.
Year 2 pupils are tested in maths and English (reading and spelling, punctuation and grammar). Teachers generally try to keep the testing procedure informal – the papers are not strictly timed, and are usually taken in a normal classroom situation to keep the pressure off children.
Year 6 pupils undertake more formal written tests (in English, maths and sometimes science). The papers are 45 minutes long and can be quite daunting for this age group. The papers are sent away for marking and the results are known before children leave primary school in July.
Below are some useful booklets for parents: