At St. Mary’s, we are committed to preparing our children for life in the diverse society, which is modern Britain today.
We are proud to be an open and inclusive school, connected to an open and inclusive church which embraces equality and diversity - something that is strongly reflected in our core vision, values and ethos. Therefore, in order to enable us to further promote an ethos of inclusion and tolerance, we have decided to incorporate the Local Authority’s ‘Everyone’s Welcome’ programme into our PSHE lessons.
What is ‘Everyone’s Welcome’?
'Everyone's Welcome' is a whole school approach that uses the ‘No Outsiders’ resources and framework to teach children about equality and diversity, in line with British Values, Ofsted guidelines and the Equality Act (2010).
‘No Outsiders’, a scheme that provides teachers with a curriculum that promotes equality for all sections of the community, was written originally in 2015 by practising Deputy Headteacher, Andrew Moffat. His work to promote equality has been globally celebrated.
Further information about the No Outsiders approach can be found at
Local Authority Pilot
Leicester City Council and Leicestershire County Council jointly piloted the ‘No Outsiders’ resource in several local primary schools in 2018. Following the success of the pilot, they now offer their ’Everyone’s Welcome’ training and support package to all schools in the County.
The Law
The Equality Act (2010) requires that schools promote all aspects of difference and diversity. It is a legal requirement for schools to eliminate discrimination based on the protected characteristics: Age; Disability; Gender Reassignment; Marriage and Civil Partnership; Pregnancy or Maternity; Religion or Belief; Race; Sex; Sexual Orientation.
Teaching and Learning Approaches
The ‘Everyone's Welcome’ programme uses storybooks, lesson plans and assemblies to create and support the development of a whole school community that embraces and celebrates all forms of difference. The scheme includes five lesson plans for every primary school year group (EYFS- Y6) based upon a selection of 35 picture books. Issues addressed include gender and gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, disability and age.
Benefits to pupils
Our commitment to community cohesion through promoting understanding and acceptance of difference means that the programme will enhance our current PSHE work exceptionally well. It will provide a whole school approach that promotes and celebrates diversity and will help us to create an environment where children feel happy and excited about living in modern Britain.
Benefits to pupils will include:
· Increased self-esteem from a feeling of belonging
· Resilience from knowing who they are
· Preparation for life in modern Britain
· Reduce potential for radicalisation
· Whole school approach with difference and diversity celebrated throughout the school
Scheme Overview – Learning Objectives:
EYFS | YEAR 1 | YEAR 2 |
· To say what I think · To understand it’s ok to like different things · To make friends with someone different · To understand that all families are different · To celebrate my family |
YEAR 3 | YEAR 4 | YEAR 5 | YEAR 6 |