Hinckley College Day.
We had the pleasure of taking our Year 5 and 6 children to Hinckley College on Monday 20th June. We were able to take a tour of the site then the children got a chance to learn about model making; get their hands dirty with clay head sculpture and take amazing digital photographs. It was an amazing morning and every pupil who attended had a fantastic time.
Butlin's Residentail 2023 - Skegness
Partnership Links
We are delighted this academic year (2022/23) to be linking with North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College to enhance our curriculum offer to our children further. Through a range of collaborative projects we are aiming to enhance our current curriculum offer and enable the students at the college to plan and deliver performances/activities whilst completing their course work.
In February, we welcomed students from the college for a planning meeting to discuss their ideas for planning and delivering a Theatre Workshop for Years 1 and 2. We can't wait to see this in March.
In June, a range of creative workshops are planned giving our Year 5 and 6 pupils a taste of the world of work. They will explore activities in the photography, ceramics and design departments.
Meeting Notes
College Visit
Year 1 and 2 visited the college on March 22nd 2023 and watched a fantastic performance of 'Not again, Ellie'. It was a wonderful interactive performance, planned and delivered by the students especially for St Mary's and the children learnt an important message about being kind to others. An article written by Mason Moore from 'The Hinckley Press' can be seen below.