St Mary's Anti-bullying Charter
At St Mary’s Church of England Primary School, we are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our pupils, so they can learn and play in a secure environment. The school treats all reported incidents of bullying-type-behaviour and bullying seriously. |
What is bullying? Bullying is repeated behaviour by an individual or group that deliberately hurts another individual or group physically or emotionally.
Types of bullying Bullying-type-behaviour, which can lead to bullying if it is repeated, includes:
spreading hurtful rumours, inappropriate sarcasm, excluding, mocking, taunting, tormenting, using threatening gestures); plus taking other physical-bullying-actions such as tacking, hiding or damaging belongings); perceived intelligence, perceived economic status); or videos by e-mail; using instant messaging and chat rooms to send threatening or abusive messages to someone else and asking others to join in; using another person’s account, without their permission, to send abusive messages to others; writing nasty or upsetting comments on someone’s profile on social networking sites; making jokes or comments about people on their own profiles; writing comments underneath other people’s bullying posts; setting up a fake profile dedicated to bullying someone else; abusing or harassing someone through online multi-player gaming sites; sending abusive texts, video or photo messages, or sharing videos of physical attacks on individuals (for example ‘happy slapping’ or ‘blue jacking’); ‘sexting’, which is encouraging someone to share intimate pictures or videos of themselves and then sending these on to other people; posting photos, personal information, fake comments and blogs, or pretending to be someone online without that person’s permission).
Link Governor
Ben Pearson is our Anti-Bullying Lead Governor and he monitors the school’s anti-bullying work and meets with the children to ascertain their views.