Welcome to Year 5 and 6. Your child will be in one of three classes-Cadbury Class, Irwin Class or Shakespeare Class. Below you will find lots of information to support your child's learning journey this year and lots of photographs of learning in action.
Spring 2025 in Year 5/6
SATs Meeting 4/2/25
Do children access too much screen time?
During English lessons we have been debating whether children are able to access too much screen time or not. We have been looking at balanced arguments and have planned and written our own surrounding topics such as: sweet consumption, walking to school and the use of mobile phones for children. We were lucky enough to interview two guests who gave very opposing views regarding children and screen time.
Computing in Years 5/6
We have been creating Vector pictures in computing. We have looked at changing the dimensions of the shapes, the colour and the layering shapes. We challenged ourselves to make Vector animals using only two shapes.
Looking at buildings and different media, has been the focus in Art this term. We had great fun at looking at cities and trying to copy the lines that were produced by the buildings, in pen. We then chose a single object to bring alive in colour - just one colour. Here are our results. We hope you like them.
Science - Forces
This term we have been finding out about how important forces are in our lives. We have been investigating friction, air resistance, water resistance as well as looking at the workings of cogs and levers. We planned and carried out various experiments to further our understanding.
Maths in Hinckley Town Centre
Some Year Five children were thinking about maths and how the subject came into all areas of Hinckley. We walked through the centre of Hinckley looking for evidence of maths around us. We found lots of examples from numbers and 3D shapes to percentages and money. Our favourite task was to think about how to spend one pound. We had great fun spending our money and discovered that maths was indeed all around us!
The Vikings
As part of our history topic, children had the opportunity to act of the Viking raid on Lindisfarne, 8th June 793. The Vikings raided villages and the monestry and stole gold and jewels. Many people died and the Vikings left victorious!
Year 5/6 had the fantastic opportunity to watch NSWLC performance of James and the Giant Peach. Roald Dahl's classic children's masterpiece was brought to life on stage by the talented drama department of the college. Everyone who went thoroughly enjoyed it! Hopefully we will be invited again next year.
Autumn 2024 in Years 5/6
We have had a great start to the year so far. in History, we have been learning about The Tudors and what life was like during The Battle of Bosworth. This learning was furthered by a visit to the battle site itself with all children taking part in opportunities such as becoming a detective, digging for artefacts and re-enacting the war of the Roses with a march over the battle site.
In Years 5/6 we have been looking at typography and how the placing of print on a page is important. Studying different fonts and sizing of letters has been our focus for the work that we have been producing this term.
We have spent time looking at pitch, reading and creating graphic scores, following a rhythm and recognising different types of notes.
Children have been learning how computers send messages to each other through a network. The children sent 'packets' via the routers (which were the children) from one machine to another. The children were only allowed to hold one 'packet' at a time.
Commando Joe's
Year 5/6 were visited by two commandos who showed the children how to organise and deliver missions to younger members of the school during break and lunch times. Children have now been invited to apply to become a Junior Joe.