Which day does dinner money need to be paid?
Dinner money should be paid in advance via ParentPay. Dinners cost £2.20 per day, please note that all children in Foundation and KS1 are entitled to free school dinners.
What time does school start?
The school gates open at 8:45am. Children should be in their classroom ready to work by 8:55am. Any children who arrive after this time will be marked as late on the register.
What is the school uniform?
Sweatshirts/Cardigans/Fleeces/T-Shirts/Polo Shirts/ P.E T-Shirts with the school logo on are available from 'The Hole in the Wall' shop or 'Swifts' in Hinckley town centre. Please label all clothing worn in the school. At the end of each term all lost property is recycled as we cannot store it. If it has a name we can return it to you.
For safety reasons children should not wear jewellery in school. Wristwatches and stud earring are the only items permitted. These must be removed for all PE, games and swimming lessons. With stud earrings children must be able to take them out and put them back themselves. If this is not possible then please could you take them out before your child comes to school. Please do not have your child's ears pierced during term times, as children must be able to remove their studs for games and PE lessons.
Girls Uniform
Purple Cardigan/Jumper/Fleece. White polo t-shirt. Grey/black skirt, pinafore dress or trousers. Black shoes.
Boys Uniform
Purple Jumper/Fleece. White polo t-shirt. Grey/black trousers. Black shoes.
PE Kit
Purple T-Shirt, black shorts, black pumps. Please provide tracksuit bottoms for cold days.
Vision Tests are no longer undertaken by Health Visitors or School Nurses for Primary Aged children.
This being the case the Leicestershire Optical Committee is keen to encourage parents to take their children to the Opticians where they can have a FREE NHS EYE TEST. It is important that those children with detected vision problems are picked up as early as possible.