Welcome to Year 1 and 2. Your child will be in one of three classes-Gaudi Class, Picasso Class or Teresa Class. Below you will find lots of information to support your child's learning journey this year and lots of photographs of learning in action.
Summer Term
Year 2 Beaumanor Hall Residential Trip - May 2024
It was an absolute pleasure to take our Year 2 children for our annual trip to Beaumanor Hall. We had an extremely busy time taking part in Nature activities on the first day and Robin Hood Survival on the second. The children enjoyed sleeping in the cabins overnight and had a great time with their friends. We hope you enjoy the photos!
We were lucky enough to have a visitor, Chloe, come into school to talk to us about Spain. Chloe was born and grew up in Spain. We learnt lots and we were able to ask her questions about what it is like to go to school there. Thank you for coming Chloe!
The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch
This term we have started to explore the story of The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch by Ronda Armitage. We started by finding out more about lighthouses before reading the book together. Have a look at our immersive corners which show different scenes from the story.
The children followed instructions to draw and label a lighthouse using this link Draw a lighthouse.
African Art Day
To celebrate our work on Kenya for our ‘Let’s go on safari’ topic, we had a special day taking part in African art activities. We opened up all three classrooms so that the children could move around and work with their friends from other classes. The children also went outside and created African patterns on the playground with chalk.
Let's go on safari!
We have really enjoyed learning about the landscapes, animals and people of Kenya and what it is like to live there. The children were lucky enough to listen to a talk about Kenya from a parent whose family come from the country.
As part of our work towards the 'Food for Life' Gold award, and also in conjunction with the Soil Association, Gaudi class have been planting potatoes. We look forward to seeing what will grow!
The children wrote some beautiful Spring Poems based on a poem called "Sunny Spring"
Gaudi class joined in with the rest of the school, to watch a live link up with scientists at a science station in the Antarctic. It was a real WOW moment - to look at the landscape of this freezing wilderness!
Spring Term
This half-term we are reading The Way Home for Wolf. We started by finding information about wolves by reading information texts and researching on the iPads. Once we had created a fact sheet, we worked with Year 5 children to put our facts on to a PowerPoint slide. The children really enjoyed working together and the slides look great.
Sublime Science!
In March, we had a fantastic visit from Sublime Science. The children really enjoyed watching science in action with some amazing experiments. Each experiment was linked to one of the five senses.
The children have learnt how to program a Beebot to move in different directions. They also programmed them to move from one point to another.
Percy’s Bumpy Ride
Last half term, we read Percy's Bumpy Ride by Nick Butterworth. We acted out the story and wrote a job description for a park keeper. The children also planted seeds and wrote a set of instructions for Percy! More recently, the children designed their own invention to help Percy with some of his more challenging jobs in the park. We even used AI to help us visualise what these fantastic inventions could look like!
After the children described Percy's new invention, they wrote another short story for him.
Fun Fruit Salads
For our DT topic, the children had a great time designing and making their own fun fruit salads. We used a variety of fruits chosen by the children and most created patterns or pictures such as faces, butterflies or rainbows. They really enjoyed eating them too!
First Responder Visit
On Wednesday 31st January, Sarah delivered a new defibrillator to our school. While she was here, she spoke to Year 1 and 2 about what her job as a First Responder involves. Sarah showed us all the equipment that she carries in her car and the children asked lots of questions. They also had the opportunity to sit in Sarah's car!
Maths with Numicon
This term, staff across the school have attended a training session on how to use Numicon effectively in our Maths lessons. We were keen to try out some of the activity ideas with the children.
Autumn Term 2 2023
This half term, we have started reading Paddington by Michael Bond. We are enjoying reading all about his adventures!
Alongside reading about the adventures of Paddington Bear, the children have done some fantastic writing. They have written detailed descriptions of his character and instructions on how to make a marmalade sandwich.
Christmas Maths
Year 1 children have been working together to complete 3D shape patterns with Christmas presents.
Exploring Everyday Materials
We have continued with our Science work on materials by sorting them according to their different properties.
Explore and Draw
The children have enjoyed starting our new art topic. We looked at the work of Andy Goldsworthy and how he explores the world with art. The children used his work as inspiration for their own interpretation of his natural art. They used a selection of materials to explore composition and arrangements.
This half term we finished off our Vehicles topic off by designing and making a modern version of a Hansom cab. The children were very creative and included some fantastic details.
The children practised taking photos of each other using the iPads. They asked for their friend’s permission first and checked the photo with them afterwards.
Autumn Term 1 2023
Immersive Corners for Oi Frog!
Oi Frog!
We have been really enjoying reading the books of Oi Frog and friends. The children have been inspired to do some fantastic writing related to the stories.
Where do I live?
We have been learning about the four countries of the UK. So far, we have visited England and Scotland.
Everyday Materials
In Science, we have been identifying and describing the properties of different materials.