Blyton Cadbury Jobs
Mrs Talbot Mrs Malin Mrs Pegley
Miss Rajpara
Also within year 3/4 are:
Mrs Stanley (HLT)
Mrs Hemsley (TA)
Mrs Newton (TA)
Miss Malin (TA)
Miss Smith (TA)
We have been studying
The Trinity
in Years 3/4
Blyton class have written their own song about what they have learned.
Since our return to school, we have been really busy.
As we have just been celebrating National Science Week, we have been creating pottery robo bugs.
In history, we have been very creative and some of us have been producing Anglo Saxon standing stones which relate to our topic work and the children have all been busy creating some wonderful colourful classroom displays.
We have tested plastic during our Science lessons; does it float? Does it bend? These are the types of questions we have been investigating. The children enjoyed the practical sessions testing each plastic sample. Some children even got to separate the DNA in a strawberry using filter paper and test tubes.
We have been reading The Iron Man during our English
lessons and finding out about the giant man that visited our land and began to eat all the metal, as well as creating some wonderful Spring poetry.
Play times have become more exciting with the introduction of some amazing equipment which the children have chosen themselves.
The children visited Jerusalem through Now Press Play which is our immersive education resource that brings the curriculum to life. Ask your child all about it!
We have also celebrated Easter by wearing our Easter bonnets, reading the Easter story and making Easter baskets.
New School Year
2020 - 2021
We are pleased to say that Year 3/4 have settled into school really well and have been producing some amazing work.
All three classes have started studying our book 'The Battle of Bubble and Squeak'. This story is about a boy getting two hamsters and his mother's attempts at getting them out of the house. The children have already produced diary writing, a non-chronological report and a letter based upon the characters and the plot of the text.
Power Maths is our new way of learning maths. Each lesson has exciting introductions to different concepts. Your child is working really hard and has lots of opportunities to work problems out in more of a variety of ways.
We began the term looking at the Science topics of forces and magnets. If you ask your child, we hope they will be able to tell you about the different poles and which materials are magnetic, amongst other facts that they have found out by using magnets and other resources during lessons. Hopefully your child is remembering the facts on the knowledge organiser which came home earlier this term.
In art we have been looking at pointillism and we have been concentrating on George Seurat. The children have had to demonstrate control using a variety of media such as paint and felt tipped pens in order to colour areas of a picture in dots.
We have been very lucky with the weather and we have managed to get outside to skip or to take part in mini challenges where the children can improve on their scores each week. When inside, we have been working on exciting activities which need self discipline such as Tai Chi.
As a church school we have been focussing on People of God. The children have been looking at the Bible and have produced work around Noah's Ark where they have been asking questions to God.
And finally, can we say a big Thank You for helping your child become more independent in getting in their Homework Diaries and Times Tables books in each week.
Poetry Reading
By Blyton Class
Year 3/4 are learning
about the rhythmic nature of a poem.
Listen to the school kids, do the school kids rap!
Great videos from Blyton Class
Some Fantastic English
Work Produced
Year 3/4
Blyton Class
Please view our photos of your new Blyton classroom
We are looking forward to seeing you all