We would like to welcome you to the Governors section of the school website.
Every school has a governing body which represents the interests of the children, local community and wider public in the running of the school. School governors work with the staff and the Local Education Authority to help secure the best possible education for the children in the school.
The St. Mary’s C.E. Primary School Governing Body is made up of Foundation Governors, Co-opted Governors, Local Authority Governors, Parent Governors, Associated Governor and Staff Governors including the Headteacher. This ensures that the governing body has sufficient diversity of views and experience to be both a supportive and questioning friend.
A Performance and Standards Committee and a Resource Management Committee meet each term and feed in information into the full governing body who also meet once a term. The committees discuss and question areas of the school management such as staffing, finance, curriculum and premises.
There are three core functions of a governing body as reflected in Ofsted’s inspection criteria:
The most important role of the School Governing body is to ensure the highest possible standards of learning in the school.
Governors also have a role in dealing with complaints if the complainant feels that the school hasn’t dealt with it appropriately. Governors will work with all parties to ensure an effective outcome.
Governors undertake regular visits to school in order to gain first-hand experience of what goes on during the school day. During the visits they undertake learning walks, meet with children and staff and scrutinise aspects of the school’s work. Information gleaned from the visits is shared with the full governing body.
Health and safety in school also falls under the remit of the Governing Body. They carry out termly site inspections, review policies such as fire evacuation and scrutinise accident records.
The Governors here at St. Mary’s take their responsibilities seriously having signed up to the National Governors Association code of conduct. They have also made a commitment to promote the Christian values which our school has identified in order to ensure that all children are encouraged in the Christian faith and that the school provides a distinctively Christian education.
Being a school governor is a rewarding and fulfilling role; helping to provide a suitable, safe, and exciting environment for learning is critical to giving every child the chance they deserve.
If you are interested in being a school governor please contact the school office. Alternatively, the Local Authority can help direct you. Please refer to the links below.