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  • St Mary's Church of England Primary School
  • ‘Dream, Believe, Achieve!’
  • ‘With God all things are possible.’ Matthew 19:26

Remote Learning Plan


We have learnt a lot during school closure last term and we want to further improve our home learning offer. In response to parental feedback following our recent questionnaire, we will be providing all of the children in school with hard copies of resources to use should groups of children be asked to self-isolate in the event of a partial or whole school closure.

As a school we are committed to providing continuity of education for our learners and will do so through a process of remote (online) learning.

Remote learning from the books provided for your child, will be set within 24 hours, for a two week absence, following a positive Covid test within your child’s class bubble.

This plan does not apply in the event of short-term school closures (e.g. as a result of inclement weather), non-Covid related absence or if parents choose to take learners on holiday during term time.

We would politely request that no work is completed in this way unless directed by the class teacher, as your child will be receiving everything that they need in school. 

The aim of this plan is to:

  • Minimise the disruption to pupils’ education and the delivery of the curriculum
  • Ensure that remote education, where needed, is of a high quality and aligns as closely as possible with in-school provision
  • Ensure that parents and children are clear about the support that will be offered and expectations relating to remote learning
  • Ensure all children have the support they need to complete their work to the best of their ability and to remain happy and healthy, during periods of remote learning
  • Ensure robust safeguarding measures continue to be in effect during the period of remote learning

There is no expectation that children who are unwell should complete the remote learning tasks each day. Please contact school to let us know if your child is unwell during any period of isolation.

Teachers will ensure that:

  • Remote learning is set through Seesaw
  • Parents have access to the QR code and instructions for Seesaw for their child. (This is enclosed in the Home Learning pack. Please note that Pete Johnson is the IT Administrator hence his name on the Seesaw letter. He cannot access your child’s account.)
  • Children are set: English and/or Mathematics daily and some Foundation subject work which may be topic based.  
  • Daily learning tasks are uploaded to Seesaw no later than 9:00am on the day they need to be completed
  • There is ‘daily engagement’ between teacher and child – e.g. a message, video/PowerPoint/audio recording explaining/demonstrating the day’s tasks. Teachers might film short videos or similar, explaining learning. The exact nature of this will depend on the number of children in isolation, as teachers may still have to teach children who remain in school.
  • That they respond to work posted on Seesaw and provide feedback
  • They report any dangers or potential dangers they identify, as well as any concerns they may have about remote learning, to the DSL or Deputy DSL

Parents will ensure that:

    • Children upload relevant work to Seesaw no later than 5.00pm daily so that teachers can provide feedback
    • They contact school if their child is unable to access Seesaw
    • They contact their child’s teacher (via the class email) if their child is struggling with any aspect of the remote learning or if there are any questions
    • They support their child with remote learning. If unable to offer support, due to illness, inform school immediately
    • They do not share individual QR codes or any information posted on Seesaw with anyone else

Children will:

    • Be ready to learn and engage with the daily tasks
    • Submit learning onto Seesaw no later than 5.00pm each day
    • Report any technical issues to their teacher as soon as possible
    • Notify a responsible adult if they are feeling unwell or are unable to complete the school work they have been set

During periods of isolation children will also be able to access:

    • TT Rock Stars from Year 2
    • Bug Club from Years 1 to 6
    • Numbots for Foundation and Year 1
    • Ten Town (Foundation only)
    • School Jam for FS and KS1


If your child/children are self-isolating because they are awaiting test results or self-isolating because someone in their family has tested positive, then they will be contacted by telephone by either one of our HLTAs (Mrs Causer or Mrs Stanley) who will discuss the work that the class teacher wishes them to complete.

Suggested Timetable

To ensure continuity for your child and to minimise the educational impact of a bubble closure, it is important that parents and carers ensure that the children have some structure to their day. Obviously, every family will be different as there may be limited access to resources, but we strongly believe that children need routine.

We suggest that you involve your children in deciding the routine and try to stick to it, if it does not work, change it. For example, your child might work better in the morning. Below is just one suggestion of what this might look like:


By 9.00am

Wake up

Eat breakfast, make bed, get dressed, brush teeth

9.00am to 9.45am

Morning Exercise

This could be throwing and catching a ball in the garden, skipping, hula hooping, going for a walk (if current guidelines allow) You Tube dance/exercise clips

9.45am to 10.45am

Academic Time

Complete some of the activities that teachers have set- we suggest you try to work at a table and turn off the TV and other distractions

10.45am to 11.00am

Break Time

Have a snack and drink

11.00am to 12.00am

Academic Time

Complete some of the activities that teachers have set-we suggest you try to work at a table and turn off the TV and other distractions.

12.00am to 1.00pm


1.00pm to 1.15pm


Help with washing up

Help with folding/putting away laundry

Other jobs around the house

1.15pm to 2.00pm

Quiet Time

Reading/Times Table Rock Stars/Spelling Shed

2.00pm to 3.00pm

Academic Time

Complete some of the activities that teachers have set- we suggest you try to work at a table and turn off the TV and other distractions

3.00pm to 4.00pm

Fresh Air

Bikes, going for a walk (if current guidelines allow)

4.00pm onwards

Free Choice

Electronic devices allowed!


Remote Learning Plan January 2021

Online Support